Friday 31 October 2008

Seth Godin's new book on TRIBES

Seth Godin on Tribes
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: book tribes)

I ordered the book 'Tribes' of Seth Godin yesterday, together with some other books (like Buyology of 'Martin Lindstrom'). While waiting, I started reading the presentation that goes with it. It seems the importance of this book can be compared with
"life after the 30 second spot" (Joseph Jaffe), or "brand innovation manifesto" (John Grant), two excellent reads that were breaking the rules of marketing and branding at that time, and tackled everything we learned at school.

You can enjoy his presentation above, but you can enjoy it even more at slideshare, where you can also read the slidenotes
(which are hard to find in the interface, but they are right below the slides, right below the slide-counter, named "notes on slide ..."

My dear collegue Hannes Couvreur, who works as copywriter at BigBazart was part of Seths Tribe experiment, and was invited to join the book launch at new York.
At the BigBazart blog, he indicates 22 points in which Tribes can help your brand. Go and read them here.

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