Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Solar Power: expression of performance

I found this grid at ecogeek and ev world. It contains something smart. When it comes to solar power, cost-effectiveness is often the biggest issue. Right here they express this with "miles per acre" and compare it with rendability of biodiesels. As you can see, Solar power wins with giant andvantage (of course the investments are much bigger, but that's another story)

2 good learnings here, when it comes to green marketing:

  • It is expressed as a performance (a business benefit in stead of an eco-benefit) compared with others.
  • But what is pleasing me the most: It is alligned with something people already know. People know 'miles per hour' as a performance indicator in the world of cars. Solar Power is still something unknown that tapped into something very familiar.


  1. EV's are clearly the way to go.

    Fuel them with CSP ( and you've got a winning team.

    Pay this with
    and things look even brighter.

    These are the ingredients real life + dreams are made of. We need them:

    And we can:

    Pace e Bene,

    Emil Möller

  2. As a matter of fact, in Israel they've started: EV's by Renault (Megane sedan) fueled by CSP

  3. [sorry, hit the wrong button]
