Thursday, 17 January 2008

Pangea organics' plantable packaging

Pangea Organics, ecocentric bodycare (always beneficial, never artificial) exists since some years, and is a great example of how their truly sustainable vision is reflected in all aspects of their business, both company, brand and products.


- They buy ingredients from women cooperatives
- Support of 40.000 acres of organic agriculture land in 52 countries
- Designed to be a roll model for other sustainable startup companies
- 100% wind powered factory
- Total Product Lifcycle optimalisation
- Ethical HR-management
- 3000 square foot organic garden for employees


- Always beneficial, never artificial
- It just doesn't smell nice, it is nice
- Always organic, never ordinary
- Good for everybody and the planet


- fastest growing organic skin care line, with fastest growing packaging in the world
(you can plant the packaging, and usefull herbs pop-up)
- Complete line of organic cosmetics and bodycare
- Free of petroleum and all kinds of artificial ingredients

Here you see Pangea Organics Founder and CEO Joshua Scott Onysko talking about it at the Greenfestival in 2006:

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